Third post

How will your interactive learning resource specifically ensure that the needs of all learners can be met?

There are different kind of students with special problems. The first one is English language learner. I am actually one of ELLs. I have trouble with English when I am studying. I prefer that teachers could make a video about class and post on the Youtube. Youtube can generate subtitles automatically and translate to Chinese, which is very friendly for me. I also prefer to use google translate to read article. I cannot live without google translate. It can be very slow for me read an academic article. As a result, for an English language learner, we need to add more youtube videos as teaching material to replace the text learning material. Besides learning materials, we better provide a first language version for other learning materials like ppt, quiz, and articles. For loss of hearing, we could provide more text materials for them. Uploading videos on Youtube is also a good choice because it can generate subtitles automatically. For busy students, videos is also a good choice, they can watch the videos anytime they are free. In addition, we can extend their due date about assignments if they have requirement. 


Choose one (or more) of your planned learning activities from your Blueprint and identify any barriers for student success. How can you alter or adjust your current plan to reduce those barriers?

In our blueprint, we have a part for students to create their own viewpoint about the AI. This could be a challenge part for them. As a result, we can give them some suggestions. We can give some examples about AI at first and analyse this example. After that, we let students to think about one AI machine in their life and also analyse it.

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